Craigslist's posts are decided by 4 things, category, content, time, and location. So how to get the best of each?
Category, certain category has more viewers than others depends on the area, real estate and service always seems to have a good traffic field in majority of the craigslist. Since you are looking at multiple cities, the amount of traffic is usually presented by amount of post in that category.
Content, my post is usually unique, but how? I go to one of the old detailed post that’s posted by someone else 15 days ago, change a few words and add my link to it, then post it in another city. This way the post usually stays on and won’t get flagged down because people "think" you are serious. I make sure my post very detailed and long, in the end I'll state that if you want to see more pictures or need more information please visit my website, this will avoid you getting flagged down because majority of them are looking for more information after reading the ads. In case you get flagged down, do not repost back right away because the person that flagged you down is probably browsing through craigslist, and if he sees your ad again, he'll flag you down again, so make a note and repost it back in 2 to 3 hours.
Time, Posting early in the morning on week days is usually good in real estate and job section; it gets a lot more hits than posting stuff in the afternoon. People go to work to look at the ads during the day. I usually make a new post in a new city every 30 minutes, and I make around 8 to 9 posts a day simply because I have no intention of getting banned, majority of the proxy server won't go through post, and other transparent proxies are useless, so DO NOT SPAM craigslist.
Location, you want to look like local on craigslist, whenever you post in a new city, do some research on their real estate section as well as google map, write down a general location that exist can avoid being flagged down, since your post is so detailed, your location is local, people think you are real.
My next post will be how to detect and counter ghosting by craigslist as well as some of the new quick traffic builder.
Ok, I've tried to learn how to get traffic as well as SEO, and majority of the sites gives nothing but junk, repeated content and list of places where you can sign up, yet they still have a pretty high PR because of the backlinks they got. It is very frustrating to find ways that works and I have no intention of creating another useless site like that, I am sharing my personal experience on this blog and hopefully it helps you, post a comment if you like it.
I am giving out the information to you guys without doing regular ebook form, so please consider making a donation on the right if you think this is blog is helpful.
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