1. You have to treat every visitor as customers, and the oldest form of sales is going through demographic, this way you'll have clear idea of which state is not generating traffic for you and specifically target that state's traffic with craigslist. I've gotten 242 hits from Alaska and over 1843 hits from California alone.

2. Go after the most populated Cities, I've basically did a wikipedia search on America's most populated city , and I’ve posted my ads from New York City all the way down to Witchta Kansas, this way I have a clear idea I am hitting the hardest part of the U.S population. New York, Los Angeles, Chicago, Houston and Phoenix are a must. There are several cities in Ohio that have huge population and they are not on front page of craigslist, making separate posts on those cities will grant you a lot of traffic. And after you are done with U.S, go hit up Canada's top populated city such as Toronto.

3. Third, target the craigslist population user. States like Vermont, Rhode Island doesn't have a concentrated population in a city, but their internet users are huge, targeting those states itself will get you a lot of traffic. On the other hand, there are states like West Virginia which wouldn't generate traffic at all simply because of lack of population and lack of internet users, which I won’t bother to post. Going through cities of craigslist, if there are not posts that means there is no demand, don’t bother with it.
As you can see, this is how I got over 10,000 hits from craigslist within 2 weeks. My next post will talk about how to make craigslist posts effective and how to prevent getting flagged down. If you think this post is helpful please leave a comment.

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Very helpful post, Thanks ! But do you need to be selling something on your website or it's just your one page content with ads ? I mean on craigslist, what kind of ads are you running ?
Also, Analytics is great to learn from traffic, and I suggest you also look at http://trends.google.com so you can see quickly which states and country to target first, and when you usually get traffic.
Anyway great post.
I usually post in areas on whatever my site is promoting, and its usually in real estate or business section. The dating section will flag you down even if you don't have a link. I'll post the details on how I create craigslist's post on my next post.
Very interesting blog I'm looking forward for the next post. :) Going to try that Graiglist posting too after Your guides. ;) Cheers. A.
nice thanks just visted all your ppc as well post on ghostin ?/
ghosting is next post, i am still writing it =P
Nice to know that Craigslist traffic works for visits, but does it convert for sales ?
This is short term, not for like everyday ;)
I've been doing this for 2 days now and I've only earned $0.07 and a little over 1000 page impressions. I don't know what I'm doing wrong.
Probably content, if your content is not related to the topic people will bounce. they do need to see "some" content that helps them
It is very kind step of yours, and really appreciateable. You done a great job here... Thank you so much
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You have great work in you blog.
specially your latest post.
keep it up.
Congrats man, you have done a great job here... No words for thanking you on your kind act to share the way to get traffic. God bless you.
Cool Jesi
I do a lot of CL advertising and pretty much follow the same idea... post in the big cities but I have also found that there are some smaller cities that use CL like crazy and have gotten tremendous responses from some of those.
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